My opponents have very quickly sussed out that they can be within 24" of the front of a Temple Guard unit, but more than 24" from the Slaan, thus...
Try playing against O&G with their Staff of Sneaky Stealing and the Banner that gives them a Dispel dice for every rank in a particular unit. Your...
This amused me slightly. Round my way it’s long been a standing joke that the best infantry in the game are Goblin Wolf Riders :D
Yeah, I’ve got me some of those already. Nice enough models if a bit simple. Xhequimunqui
Interesting. The only tiny benefit I can see is that the Kroxigors will have a slightly wider reach into the non-central positions in the front...
Oops, you're absolutely right. I'm a cheating git :depressed: Dagnabbit, that certainly changes things. Those Saurus would have been toast much...
Jeez, that turned into a bit of an epic. Life magic certainly kept me in this game with some timely toughness buffs to the Skrox and regeneration...
So, Brettonian turn 4, Now, I seem to have got a bit mixed up here because I’m pretty sure the Realms parked themselves in front of my TG unit...
So, turn 1. The Brettonians pushed forward on both flanks, but in the centre the gigantic unit of 11 Errants, Lord, BSB and Prophetess hung back a...
Apologies in advance for what has turned out to be a bit of a wall of text. Last week, I played another 2500 point pitched battle, this time...
Thanks for the discussion chaps, I am now convinced. Xhequimunqui
Does it have to be GW models? If not, The Assault Group do a nice range of Mezo-American style warriors. This is where GW originally got their...
I checked the FAQ and the rulebook last night. Just to confuse the issue, the chart at the rear of the rulebook lists the Salamander as a...
On further reading of the warmachines section last night, I have to say I agree. No stomp attacks against warmachines. Xhequimunqui
Arli, that's exactly the argument I was making, but it cut no ice with my opponent or our rules judge for the evening. Warmachines are a defined...
Thanks for that. I don't have my rulebook handy as I'm working today (well, more accurately, I'm in work ;) ) Any idea what it says about...
And another thing... :D Another thing I see often is people saying how good Terradons are against Warmachines because of their stomp attack. A...
I'm sure I keep seeing people claim that Salamanders can march and still fire. Where does this come from? They're not skirmishers are they? Are...
Last week I had what turned out to be my second and third (kinda) games of 8th Edition Warhammer. It was a fairly bizarre experience. So much so...
Ah, those were my first Lizardmen figures too Oz Crok. Some judicious swapping and trading left me with 60 of those plastic Saurus and 60 of the...