If you want to go the Cold One deathstar route there is one item you should consider: the Skavenbelt Banner. Getting Frenzy on an expensive unit...
Wow, I did not know what kind of spells there are in High Magic, some of them are extremely usefull I think! Removing Hexes and Augments sounds...
Hi, I generally don't put my slann in a TG unit, I'll just leave him by himself. His 4+ ward, 5 W, T4 and Look out Sir are enough for me. I've...
Some good suggestions! I know Cold Ones aren't the best option, but they work fairly well as a flanking unit. And Terradons are situational IMO,...
Hi all, I dislike the current trend of taking 3 buffed infantry blocks and shuffle them across the board without much planning. What I do like...
Hi! I don't see how this is a friendly list? It's one of the most powerfull lists there is.. Not your list in particular, but taking 3 big blocks...
Ah, I must have missed it then.. true about the luck thing, if he has dice to dispell it's probably not gonna work.. but then, it's a 25 pts. item...
Why has nobody recommanded Blood Statuette of Spite?! What am I missing here? It's a bound spell that makes any character (No LOS required, no...