"Ha, fear not Darian, we are in a town where people are being ripped apart every night. I would be a fool to hold it against you for speaking your...
"I am sorry that some of you may now be afraid of me, if you would like i will submit to being under look and key for the night if it allows you...
"A fair comment Hellbreaker, i did indeed find fur within the baricade, however i am not sure how this would kill anyone....." Sir Zantos thinks...
The joyous feeling of still having his limbs attached to his body when he awoke was quickly stifiled when he saw the devestration that had been...
Character name: Huitzilopochtli Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): Saurus Old Blood Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): Lizardmen Lets...
"Sometimes i have to ask myself, how i get in these situations where sleeping isn't as safe as it should be" "Well, i will say good night to you...
Killing blow is looking brutal :) It's been good to watch...(read) lol
Finding himself at a loose end Sir Zantos thought it best to help out with the preperations. Rolling up sleeves he decided to help expand upon the...
I thought the dwarf would take me...ahh well time to plan for the next. Good descriptions again, awesome work.
Having his investigation cut short Sir Zantos decides to chip in with the act of silver collecting. "This would have been a lot easier if i had...
That was closer than i was hoping! Great description on the fights, much appricated. Not looking forward to fighting the dwarf.
Slightly dazed by the morning light, Sir Zantos takes his place next to Darian "There's a lot of blood out there my friend, i we're going to need...
Agreed, awesome work :) Will be nicer if my pic gets in the next square though ;)
After a good night drinking the raised voices outside the tavern did nothing to help the hangover Sir Zantos was feeling. After a moment of...
Sorry my goblin opponent, you are not part of the Old Ones plans and need to be......removed How we're we doing the fights again? Online random...
Nearly missed this! Luckily i was bored at work and gravitated towards the forums :) Character name: Huitzilopochtli Character type (i.e.,...
"Well i'm just glad your alive my friend. Alas we found no treasure, just rumours and death!" Finding Darian's tales as enthralling as before,...
"By the Lady, but you were dead. I saw you hanging, how is it that you are alive. This is a miracle indeed" The sight of a trusted companion so...
After an exhausting treasure hunt, fraught with peril and danger Sir Zantos had decided to travel back to more civilised areas to rest and...
Great fun! Was a bit worried when my overactive roleplay nearly put my head on the block :) Was in two minds when we found out who the knight...