Thank you all so much for the warm tidings and kind words! It always makes me glad to pop back in and see whate everyone else has been up to, too....
So now we're caught up to Today. I wanted my next project to be a pack of Raptadon Hunters, but my husband was laid off from his job of three...
I also finally completed that Sunblood kitbash I shared all the way back in August of last year... just a couple months shy of a full year, huh?...
Next up: Got some proper, nice photos of my Skink Priest... Chief.... Whatever he is! I love this little dude.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Ran out of images for the last post, so here's some group shots of the Kroxigors: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Sometimes life comes at you fast. The last post I made in this thread was just days before all my aspirations for the year became completely...
̶h̶e̶l̶l̶o̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶p̶ ̶y̶e̶s̶t̶e̶r̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶b̶o̶x̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶,̶...
Thank you so much! I know this is going to sound corny, but painting the eyes is one of my favorite parts, and I always save it for last, because...
Thank you so much! It definitely gives them more personality. I'm particularly excited to have found a third tail. Unfortunately he didn't have...
I'm really really digging the Garchomp Cold Ones. It's enough to make me.... Actually like the Cold Ones model! I'm hype to see them finished!
Oops, it's been a while since I've updated! Hello! I hope everyone has had as nice of a new year as I have! :shamefullyembarrased: I have some...
Updates on the two models I'm working on! First, the little skink chief-priest fellow (he's indecisive)! The store owner had the day off from his...
Now for December's projects... I intended to do the Kroxigor next, but they're the pewter ones and there's only two bodies and that really...
My other October project was my friend's birthday gift, his player character from our LGS's annual D&D challenge! He recognized who/what it was...
Geez, it's been a minute since I posted any updates in here! I have a few, but I don't want to make one really image-heavy post, so I'll break it...
May I ask what kind of glue you use? The particular aquarium decor that I have, at least, doesn't respond to typical super glue and I've had to...
I'm obsessed with your Kroak. It's turning out to be incredible. You've got some great plants too! I like using aquarium plants too but it's hard...
I'm in love with this color scheme! I'm actually painting something in those colors right now-- not Seraphon, it's just the season for orange and...
Only tangentially related to painting, because it involves a mini I painted, but we drafted the new Magic the Gathering set "Unfinity" tonight at...
And here I was worried I might have hit some of them too hard! I tried priming them all at once and they turned out a little uneven in brightness....