can you give us a list of the colors used? fantastic paint job imo, can't wait to see it all finished
Cause I was thinking taking a Scat Vet on CO with that build. I10 from Slann. Take on Challenges. If player doesn't accept I will still...
Hey guys If I give my Scar Vet, Piranha blade and Bane head. Does this mean that against that character 1=2 wounds from the blade and makes it 4...
I really like your color scheme m8. What I'd like to point out is that you're gonna have alot of skinks and to paint them to that level one by...
ghouls 2 atatcks+poison (annoying....I;ve seen a player with a unit u 80) Vampire lords...I've seen one with a good combination which had 20...
hoping that you are referring to 3 kroxigors. cause you are restricted to 1 attack from supporting attacks. are 3 ws 3 s6 worth the points?
Hey guys, I'm quite new to Lizardmen, and after literally becoming one with the army book and viewing a few lists I have a question. Why do...