im going to start painting my sanguinary guard and ancient. The blood angels army is almost done! Also, I just got the 24 model skink kit. Not...
Yesterday, I managed to turn a space marine hero into a sanguinary priest. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Actually not. It's a standard model from the model building shelve in my lovsl store. Didn't check what scale it is, I just bought it :D
I've started my very first kitbash. Who thought that a T34 modell an some leftover parts from a vindicator kit could create a rapier carrier?![ATTACH]
I've ordered a pretty messed up Vindicator myself, recently! Good to see that, if everything fails, it can still be converted into a Rhino. Good...
Ha, still earlier to mine! Welcome Rebecca! That seems like a pretty good army, to me ;)
Welcome Joshua! May you have a great time, here! ;)
I've recently played my very first game of tabletop warhammer! Instead of just telling how it was, let me tell you the story from the eyes of my...
A friend of mine and I are sharing a 40k patrol starter set. I got the box and will send the necron models to him, in my first try of a selfmade...
I wonder how much time you spent, figuring out how to properly shade breasts o_O But I'm also blown away by the amount of details and...
Alright, Hand of Glory is something I didn't think about. So your idea would be to keep the starpriest and bastiladon close to each other and reak...
Ha, I was absolutely confused about there being a random toad, until someone told me it's a marker for a Riperdactyl-Ability :D Don't know what to...
I love conversions. They're a nice way to add even more unicness to your minis. I've recently build some Terradon Riders, which have multiple...
Hey guys! :D I've finished painting my very first warhammer army, recently. So here's an army list, waiting for feedback and your opinions. It's...
It is done. The starpriest is painted. I really like the colour sceme on the feathers and the green gems on the staff fit well with the general...
I finished a lot today. Painted and based my Bastillodon and finished three space marine blood angels. Tomorrow I'm going to complete my seraphon...
Thanks! I've edited the post. Can you see the picture now?
Once I get home, I'm going to paint my second Terradon. Got the AoS Skink starter collection last month and just finished all the skinks a week...
I don't even know, yet. But I'll probably go with AoS, just because it's way easier to get unpainted miniatures. *dreams of a skink army with...
Hello! To be honest, I just found a thread of this forum while searching for lizardmen diet, but I immediately joined to participate. I'm not as...