I don't know any sites but you should check out your local gaming store or a GW store. Usually there are events for locals and you can meet other...
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip) Looks good. The howdah part looks like it will be tough to paint with so much detail. Good...
I didn't know where to post this but I hope this is the right spot. I was wondering if there are rules for signatures with banners. Is there a...
Do you have anymore salamanders? I think one doesn't cut it. Two should be alright in a 1,000pts. Do your saraus warriors have spears or hand...
I was just wondering what are some fun combinations with the magic items or what you guys like to play with. I'm thinking for a 1000pts army...
I don't know where to get a good drum but I would definitely use the new stegadon kit for the standard and champion.
Looks good so far. Are you going to have a volcanic base?
Chi-town USA :D
Hello everyone. Thought my first post should land here. I've played Warhammer for a couple of years in the Chicago area. I play Beastmen, High...