I like the Engine frankly... the 5+ ward save for my flanking saurus blocks makes it a great centerpeice unit for smaller games, like the 1500...
Well a base unit of 5 is only a little over 200pts with a full command, and seems like it would be a useful enough unit for flanking and trying to...
Im sorry, but I dont see how fencing blades could be used with a shield. The description lists them as 'paired weapons'. Now if a person wants to...
I dont want to really get into this.... But Ill just list the old Eldar Online forums *now WH40Konline*, the B+C, Pyramid Vault, and Warseer as...
Very odd, but thank you. Any further advice/comment/questions on the list?
Fix Kroxigor. Extra tough saurus are not needed to build temple cities. A Racial Lore. Dispell Magic was not a substitue, and becalming less so....
More so, if a Champion in the Temple Gaurd unit receives a 10pt fear causing sword does his unit as a whole cause fear? Do they gain fear immunity?
So, is it still the case as in days of old that a character who caused fear granted the immunity to fear to his unit? I cant seem to find anything...
No, the skinks are a screen and the kroxigor are their own unit as shown. I dont run skink cohorts, the low leadership combied with the horrible...
So this is what Im rebuilding towards, and I have it in old minis so its also what Im going to be using in November for an all comers 2k...
Brets also get access to beasts and life- infact their hero level Damsels can only get those two, not heavens. So that adds in Dwellers and...
I know most people use their Engine of the Gods for the reduced casting values, but frankly when the enemy is backing catapults I find its far...
I like Light and Death personally. Light because I tend to play with a few large saurus blocks as the core of my army, and the defensive measures...
The lizardmen tales mention that the Slann helped them in the syphoning, and some of their souls are likewise trapped in the vortex. They do give...
Marauder was a brand of minis for citadel waayyy back in the day. What your looking at his half a dozen incredibly old dwarves. Probly worth about...
So Ive lurked here a bit over the years, I live up in montana where games of fantasy have been sporadic for the last decade. I started out with...