I saw their whole AB today. Well... they seems to be a bit weak units with strong magic. Every single model in that army is flammable. In...
I think that zero lev spells can be cast more than once per turn ( like fireball for ex. ) but not from the same wizard. I am running 5 to 8...
I like them too ( + Wagner ). David Garrett is ok. If you like him you can also try Jelonek ( polish rock-like violin ): just some links: Jelonek...
I played once vs HE player with both Teclis and Archmage ( with BOH )... that was crazy.
Eh. Is this even possible with 500 pts. ( 25% of 2k in lords ) :)?
But this is making one really expensive unit ( probably more exp. than the thing you want to kill ) that will be good only in this one action.
You can use another Lore and let it test "I" ( it can't? Oh. So it will die painfully ). If you don't want to change the Lore, than you can always...
Imho LM: - will never ally with: O&G -> the only race that saurus warriors weren't able to exterminate ( this was in Old Ones plans so probably...
But if you roll two 6 on choosing spell, then slann must have transformation ( you are changing one 6 into "zero" spell and then you still have...
Just try to play without slann and you will see how 'overpowered' LM are ;_; It is really, really hard :P. I am now trying to make some sick...
You know that there can't be two same spells at the same moment on two different mages? It is clearly stated that if every spell possible is used...
I was thinking about this for a long time: Will stegadon ( or ancient stegadon ) be able to use "look out sir" rule to protect carno on 4+? Isn't...
Yup. Converted. My friends know that I like building strange armies and they allow me to do this ( as long as this army lists are really weird ).
I tried it once. It is good vs normal mage but not vs one with BoH. If I understand it correctly you may use this instead of dispelling. In that...
Usually in a horde of White Lions. But yeah. As i think about it now: salamanders should be a good solution. I made tests for both rider and his...
Hi. I was reading this forum for a while and after a few battles on 8th edition I decided to ask for help. I just LOVE using carnosaur. Battle...