I have a cheap and cheerful oldblood build which can be plonked in a unit of Saurus (temple guard or standard) and be used to bolster the line. He...
I have to agree with you about Mazdamundi being vulnerable, but the pure scare factor of having an amazing wizard who is also a close combat beast...
I've recently been looking over the lizardmen special characters and some of them rock! Gor Rok is my personal favourite for the heroes section...
Thinking of trying Hide of cold ones with Aura of Quetzl and great weapon. this guy could potentially hold up large enemy core units as more...
I know that salamanders are probs better than razordons but I can't help but love The razordon model and rules. If I was to include the salamander...
I agree with Nightbringer. WHY IS THE HORNED ONE SO POPULAR! It doesn't do much, costs 35 points and the not benefitting from stupidity would be a...
I have a friend who plays high elves and absolutely loves Phoenix guard. He's playing a nineteen man unt of Phoenix Guard + Caradyan in a 750 pt...
Good solid list although I think that the skink cohorts need to be bigger otherwise they won't even provide a speedbump fo a decent enemy unit....
Just curious, when a carnosaur inflicts D3 wounds does that just affect a single model with mulitple wounds or the whole unit. For instance; a...
Thakns for that information, forgot all about that. Maybe Mount him on cold one instead?
Thanks for the advice. I agree with you on the razordon as it can be an ultimate flank holding machine because people do not want to charge it...
Hello all New to Lizardmen and warhammer in general. I'm looking to start my Lizardmen at 750 pts and would like advice on compostion So far I...
Hi just wandering if any of you out there have any good oldblood builds. At the mometn I am using the below one which can be potentially...