GT later this month, was wanting oppinions on my list. Cupped hands and Becalming are both banned so thats why they arnt in the list. Slann, BSB,...
I'm a VC player so I'll go ahead and give you some tips. Slanns can match or outdo a caster VC any day of the week. Cupped hands and becalming...
No I didn't mean that one, you are correct.
Sorry, I meant they hit on 5+ (4 - 1 for moving, no long range) and have poisoned shots.
Plus don't underestimate Tiktak'to or whatever his name is. Re-enforments are great. Come in on the back table edge, move 10 inches and shoot at...
First off, thanks everyone for their input. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't alone in this. Yeah, I'm not bringing this up because I plan to...
Skinks: If the unit is in combat, he can cast buffs/debuffs anywhere around him. He can cast Direct Damage but only at the unit his unit is...
So there are two major tounaments in my area for WHFB. In both, the banned items are Power scroll, Book of Hoeth, Cupped Hands and Becalming...
So I was thinking about a possibly tactic to screen salamanders as they advance through the battle line of war machines and shooty armies. Slann...
Myself, I would also suggest a all or nothing steg list. Pretty much if your counting on your troop blocks to win the game, I suggest maxing out...
Looking for a solo Slann. Maybe you have one that the stand broke or got lost and just have a Slann sitting by himself? If so let me know, I'll...
So if my skink on the EotG's miscasts and rolls a 7, does the steg and other 4 skinks take a hit? Or does it pretty much do nothing but loose PD?
So no one has any oppinions? :( Is it because it stinks of failure?
This is going to be my first tourney, and as I don't have all of my models painted yet, I decided to go with something easier and a bit offbeat....
after thinking about it, I think 8 inches is best. If you roll a 2, then you get 2 inches on the unit with the large end. However if you roll a...
I would think Grave Guard and ghouls both would be problems for LM. Honestly I never played vs LM with my VC army. Also the suggested tactics...
To tack on to this thread: How far out do you guys like the Salamanders? So far I am finding that 8 inches out on the flank is ideal. What about...
Ok, so as part of a campain I am doing, I will need to make a 1500 point list with a few quirks. 1. Need to bring a Saurus Oldblood as the...
I'm in the middle of a warbands campain myself after just completing a month of scrimishers. I play 500 points so it's not exactly the same, but...
The e-mail button is a bit misleading, it's more like an export button. There are apps that allow you to print to wifi printers that you can...