First batch all blue now. A few hours of light blue layering worked pretty well. Originally tried Waggh Flesh and Ultramarine blue, just ended...
Much delayed (after having learned to paint via necrons and Space marines), I finally have my first primed batch of 14 skinks, cohort style. Just...
A quick 500 point list as an example from the TOW pdf Character/General - Skink Priest - 60 (cheap lv 1 wizard, you can add more points here)...
I'd say theory crafting a 500 point army - usually a character, and several small units, is a good idea. You can proxy them with paper if you...
My Skinks have arrived! Assembly to be started! box took a beating, but everything looks to be in good shape
Cool, I’ll check that out, thanks for the advice
Starting the tread as I wait for my first box of skinks to arrive. Going from scratch, so roughly three phases: Assembly Priming (waiting for...
Thanks for the welcome, this forum looks like it has a lot of great resources. Is there any reference for where to get models? I've been...
I’m interested in Warhammer Fantasy. I love the model design and hearing Old World coming out in the nearish future is inspiring. I’m currently...
Hi All, I'm getting into Warhammer, and my cousin encouraged me to get into painting my models. It feels daunting, but looks like it's worth it.