although i may be new to WFB and know relativly little about the other races i've read the old codex in detail and here's what i think: the...
wow thanks for all the advice people so i judging by the comments i think i'll have to build the ancient steg with the blowpipes - which i quite...
ok thanks for the replys i'll then run with 6x4 with spears and 5x4 with HW, all with shields this seems flexable and i will probably stay with...
hi peeps, so as the title says: whats the best all round stegadon? in short im a total newcomer to warhammer fantasy who started collecting...
thanks for the advise again BEEGfrog is there any significant difference between the rules of spears and hand weopons? or is the big debate over a...
ok thanks, now i can see why everyone go's with the slann. i guess it would be easier for me to build an army with the slann as a lord cause he's...
hi again peeps, ok so like i said in my previous post im new here and in fantasy in general. i just fineshed building the new battalion (first...
hi peeps, im very new to fantasy and have just started to build a lizardmen army. so yes that means there's another noob in the forum asking...
whether you like kroq-gar's rules/cost or not he makes a awesome model on the carnosaur :beaver:
hi thanks lazo, the model looks great i may try to do something similar seeing as it works so well. i will probably attempt this once my army...
hi all, i'm new to warhammer and this website have; and recently started to build a lizardmen army. i do not own the new codex and neither do i...