My hive fleet is purple and green. Also hive tyrants are still 90% metal only the weapons arms are plastic. Also I;m painting my hive fleet for a...
Well, I did both styles and ended up going a little crazy with the washes on the second one...Replicating the super complicated color I did for...
Your skinks are amazing!! I'm inanely busy right now but on friday or saturday im gonna paint one Saurus warrior with a wash technique and another...
Alright strewart thanks for answering me and helping me out. can't wait to join the new Scum and villainy! Good luck with all your uni work!!
Ah! thank you Strewart. I was wondering why the IMG code wasn't working. Also, A quick question. When are you doing the next Scum and villainy?
Offended? far from it! Well see how my lizards turn out...Good luck on your chameleons!
n810! Thank you! Thats a great picture of a lizard and is exactly what I wanted. As for the Barney joke I Really am considering painting a...
I'm here to enlist your help, I need you guys to help me find real pictures of purple reptiles (or Amazing photoshops) Also tips on painting...
Thank you for the welcome! And blizzard already ripped of GW's stuff... :P And of course I'll enjoy the game!
Hi guys, I'm brand new to warhammer but have been playing 40k for about a year now. I just bought a box of saurus warriors and am going to get...