Can wildforms stack? I was under the impression that if you have two spells effecting the same stat that the model/unit only receives the highest...
Thanks so much for all the input guys. I went ahead and bought the digital version. So far I'm very impressed with it. I really like the quick...
In my previous experience it usually takes anywhere between 1 and 3 weeks before an army gets updated on Army Builder for WHFB (other systems seem...
I'm currently working out of town at the moment and will be doing so for the next week but I'm incredibly anxious to get my hands on the new book....
I would have been happy with this release if they would have only given Skink Priests access to Beasts! The potential our army book can have with...
Thanks for the input all. I'm thinking with all the points they're worth I may be better off with a separate unit of Saurus. Has anyone had...
If any model needs a revamp it's CoC. I think it's ridiculous that our Cold Ones look like something Fred Flintstone would keep as a pet and the...
Hey all. Still pretty new to WHFB but have been getting a lot of games in in the last few months and gaining some good experience. I've utilized...
Hey all! Pretty new to WFB and Lizardmen but I just got a battalion in from eBay and it was jammed packed full of stuff. I'm away from home for...
Thanks so much for the tips guys. I just got a battalion in from eBay and it was jammed packed full of stuff. I'm away from home for now so I...
Hey all! I'm brand new to Warhammer Fantasy but I'm pretty excited about it. Of course the first army I decided to build is a Lizardmen army....