For what it's worth, here's my take: -The Troglodon is strong! Not as awesome of a support unit as in late 3.0, but his combat profile hasn't...
Hey all, Now that the app/rules for the new edition is out, what are people thinking as far as listbuilding? I don't have a lot of solid...
I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Something that always bothered me about 6" objectives was the whole, "I have a monster exactly 5.98...
Yeah, between the "resurrect a dead swarm every turn" on Slann and the "plus 2 to Speed" asterism, I can see Saurus swarms coming back in a big way
Something else to consider: in a lot of scenarios, objectives are close enough together that a charger and hunter team currently contesting one...
Hey, they still haven't taken the Eternity Warden off the website - he'd be great as a guard-buffing mini-hero, like he was in the first AoS...
Dread Saurian is still available as an option in the official Warhammer list building app. They aren't selling the model anymore, but if you have...
Wait, doesn't Speed of Huanchi specify a non-hero unit?
The extra range boost from the Coalesced rampage is wonderful, even if there is a small chance it doesn't work. I've found it helps to keep the...
Just here to say that, even with the change to Arcane Vassal, Troglodons are still an amazing support piece. They are less hardy in melee than the...
That's fair, I had mostly discounted the support/command side to focus just on raw combat power. I typically keep the Carno in the second attack...
So a year, a battletome, and 40 points later, I would say this is a fair question again. Having played games with both the Scar-Vet and Old blood...
Round 1: Setup: Opponent put doomfire warlocks flanking to (my) left, and lined up witch Aelves->gladiatrix->cauldron of blood->blood...
Second Game! Mission: Rising Power Terrain: same as previous battle (losers walk) Opposing Forces: Sisters of Blood Hag Queen on Cauldron of...
Round 3 - I won initiative (double turn!) I charged the Scarno into the Guttrippas, using the Stomp and Eat rampages, while the Terrawings...
Round two - opponent won roll for first turn Opponent kept the remaining Guttrippas back to protect the Boltboyz, who shot in to wound the Trog...
Setup - opponent had one drop deployment, put his whole army in the center, ready to take center objective. I put the Saurus Warriors in the...
Game 1 - TL vs. Kruleboyz Mission: Frontal Assault Terrain: five blobs/rocks in an 'X' shape, centered on the battlefield. It wasn't particularly...
Hey, y'all! I just played in (and won) my first games with the new rules at a small local event. Figured I would type up a round-by-round review,...
So I've been lurking on the site for a couple of years now, mostly looking for painting/basing inspiration. A few months ago, I finally joined up...