I'm currently working on a list that uses the folding fortress. However, I can't decide how to model the darn thing. I'm trying to keep the base...
by the way, I think the casting of the 13th spell is a 25+.
at Arll: I thought that they had to meet the casting value too, however, my opponent said that he didn't and I frantically searched the rule book...
at Viarca: All of the skaven guys in my area play with the power scroll because it pretty much lets them auto cast the 13th spell killing...
Just thought of something... If I cast the signature death spell on something with no leadership, for example, the skaven plague furnace or bell,...
I think the spell says use "unmodified leadership." So no leadership 10 sorry. But still a good spell with bane head. Also the spell does well...
I have signed up for a few tournaments just to get some games in. Seems a little wrong to me but anyway back to the topic. Skaven: Grey Seer...
So I went to my local game store last night all pumped up to play with a bunch of freshly painted models and to utilize all of the tactics that I...
I'm going out to get a few games in. Hopefully I don't get paired with Vampire Counts so I can gain some intel on a different race for a change....
A few rule things: Your slann can't have more than 1 arcane item. Your heroes point total is more than 25%, 500 pts. The additional hand weapon...
Don't forget the re-roll to hit. But yes, the saurus will be hitting on 4+. Your opponents WS must be more than double yours for you to need 5+....
So it seems that the majority of us throw magic, salamanders, and poison shots, as best we can, into things we don't like before risking combat....
bump I could use a little feedback on what you think I would have a problem with. For example what not to do, what armies to look out for, and...
Skaven: Remember that the bell or furnace is a large target. This means it can be picked out of the unit, not to mention the new rules with...
The problem with Vampire Counts Grave Guard is this. Once your opponent realizes that the only thing that slows them down is the +4 toughness...
Vampire Counts: Grave Guard in horde formation. Avoid this unit at all cost, well almost. I would never "again" go up against this unit with my...
I think most people will tell you to break up the single unit of 3 into 2 units. They might also tell you that 2 units of 3 is overkill and a...
Just played Vampire Counts last night. 30 Grave Guard with the +1 to hit banner, Great Weapons, his lord using the helm to give WS 7, with...
This is a 2000 pt army. There is a tournament coming up in February, so I've been tuning it for that. Still not perfect but I'll tell you how I...
I thought I would start a thread that would be helpful to all of us, combining out experiences. I would like to discuss/list all of the...