Thank you guys for replys True WoC is always a challenge. Especially friend of mine always has those 3x marauder hordes coming at me. I have 2...
Greetings. I would like to share my planned armylist for coming games that follow ETC 2012 Draft 2 rules -> Link here...
Hello I have been playing lot with my list. But as i have friendly tournament alike match incoming at sunday. I think ill try very different...
Hello We had argue about how the rules work on cupped hands. I was wondering if anyone can clear the rule.. And please do not type only "YES it...
Well i take usually 2x Scar Veterans and mount both of them on cold ones I was accually going to make guide threat about this later if i have...
Thank you Xtapl for very high quality battle-report! I must say your tactic and armylist is quite different to what i have used to play but it...
Get rid of divine plaque of protection. If you play slann in TG unit. He gets look out sir with 2+ so there's no need for it
Thank you hunter :) for your post I took rematch againts Juha with his High elves.. this time he had slightly different army and i made few...
Thank you for fast replys ;) I accually tried to dispell atleast 2 times that first phoenix of flame without succeeding (VERY BAD Dispell...
Hello there this is Puhnupetteris battle Report. Battle took place in small valley that led to elvish lands owned by High Elves. Stakes were...
I tought should i form new topic for this. I think i have made "THE PERFECT" LM list. Atleast well balanced Here is my armylist. I think it is...
Yey Thank for your post. I think we try to get different approach how we play but it dosent matter! =) Your list sounds fine and maybe i will...
Hello there and welcome back =) ! I my self returned a short while ago. After reading and playing few games i writed this. I recommend you to...
When talking about equpping character the main question is where you want to use him and what do you want to do with him. And how he fits with...
Hi there As you suggest taking cupped hands over feebackscroll + bane head. So replacing them should be easy cause they cost rawly same amount....
Thanks for noticing Juhaaha. It seems i have made error. Fixed now Need still feedback what people think about my list. I have replaced stegadon...
Here it goes i returned to fix my armylist. After i had new experience againts dwarf's and beastmen... My new list ist much more balanced and...
Juuhaaha i too became wondering about Float rule you told. I couldnt find anywhere in rulebook such rule. I think slann still moves with his...
Hmn i was thinking should i draw a battle report. Like ones you see on White dwarf magazines. It would maybe cshow better how the game went...
Rammramm these forums have rule that you are not allowed to post INVIDUAL Point values. It means that you dont post like "1 saurus warrior 69...