That is a good question and I am a bit divided as what side to take on this. I would have to say that is does not stack and that is because there...
This sounds like an interesting idea. I have a few questions about how you ran it: How wide was the unit? I can see it as 4,4,1 with out it...
A much better list. The Wailing Banner could be usefull if you are using the COCs to clean up flanks vs. low Ld armies. How ever the effects of...
Oops! Missed the EotG. SeBM is right, loose the EotG. You can keep it as and Ancient Steg.
You can have 25% max for Lords and 25% max for Heros. So no problem there. Like helipilot13 pointed out the extra hand weapon is useless on you...
I'll second that. Your slaan is very expensive and I'd probably drop Unfathomable Presence. Magic resistance in this eddition is only a WS vs...
At 500pts either list is a good one but might I suggest a hybrid of the two. Basically Drop the COC from the second list add a salamander (shear...
Hi The spears on the saurus are a waste as you wont have much of a third rank with only 12. Give them hand weapon and shields and run them 6X2....
I'm going to attend a local tournie in mid May and I was thinking of this list Lizardmen 2500 pts, hero level special characters are allowed....
Both effective lords but no BSB. I believe the BSB says that if the frog is present then he must be the BSB. Not 100% positive as my book is...
While it would be nice to have an opponent down to WS 1 for a round fear/terror are just so unrelieable. The important units we want to get into...
Supper sweet! I down loaded this down a few hours ago and have been so busy with it I wore down my battery. So far the only thing I saw quirky...
Thanks for the input! First I was thinking addional armor (en. shld.) or ward for a challenge tarpit, but I see the logic in the ASF swords....
I've been wondering what would be of the most use for a champ in a TG unit? Curently I use a Life Frog BSB with the Banner of Discipline in a...
The Spwn-kin rule says that Krox "are always placed with in the second rank," unless enough skinks get killed and your unable to reform to make a...
Hey all. Medium time (10 years) gamer new to the site. Been a long time lurker on TPV but only resently found this site. Lizardmen was my first...