Probs just being blind here, but what page is armour of destiny? (I'm new to lizardmen and cant see it - probably cant see for looking though!) Thanks
I personally sit with the 'non stacking side' and agree that it just gives a scaly skin special rule to units that dont have it (useful for...
Sounds like a really good battle!! Was lucky that the person you played against was so forgiving! lol! Very interesting read - thanks for posting!...
I have used the GW paints for years and have recently discovered the vallejo paints. They look just as good on the models - and being thinner they...
I'm from Derbyshire in the UK Not as many people from the UK as I thought there would be?!!
Wow - thats really good - ove the dark colour scheme, it really makes the armour stand out better too - looks fantastic!!
What are peoples opinions of Stegs? They were the first thing I wanted to get for my lizardmen army, yet I noticed they often don't feature in...
Thanks for the tips everyone!! It sounds like I am going to have a real battle on my hands... The first battle is going to be 1k pts, if that...
I am thinking of colour theming my army as a pale blue/white and albino army. Does anyone have any examples or pics I can see for ideas? Thanks
Thanks for your reply!! So the basic message is... Ogre kingdom is tough right! haha!
Hi, Does anyone have any tactics/tips for fighting Ogre Kingdom armys? Thanks
Thanks for your quick reply (And the javelin!!) And I apologise for the awful typos in the first post - my keyboard is broken!!
I am new to lizardmen, and after reading the army book and the GW product list I have decided on my first 1000 point army - just wondered what...
Hi there, Just thought I would introduce myself! I'm Meg, I'm 22and have een playing/collecting warhammer for a few years. I currently have a 3k...