LIES! I'm better that you 'cause my WiFi Tank comes with state of the art Wafty Machine Tech. :smug:
First get into the hobby? I first got into it at the end of 1995 after watching school friends play it at the boarding school I was at. My...
I can't help but wonder if its all part of some larger plan. I certainly don't think that their all greedy, thats just a silly concept I think....
I'm better than you because I have a WiFi Tank and you don't.
I've actually come to change mine. I re-checked my list and found that I hadn't added Shields to my Warriors, so, I need to change my list. So...
This will be the thread for the first round of the TS ToP. Please post all 500 point lists and model work in this thread. :) ------ Toastee's...
Nah sorry mate, fault is mine, I should have mentioned it. ^__^;;
One thing I should have pointed out, the people involved all know each other and will be taking part in a weekend of gaming at the end, which will...
Woooo! Thank you to the might Stone... err... Sammy, for letting us host our next Tale of Painters here on Lustria! A Tale of Team Shroom...
Ah, aye, now I remember. :) Aye that looked quite interesting. Not sure I'd want to get into it though.
No, I haven't. I've heard about it, but not a lot I have to say.
Hmmmm, burger smell.... :smug: Thanks ^_^
I'd like to play Bloodbowl. (And Mordheim again) but the problem is finding the players, like you said. :( I do often wish that GW would give...
Its why I hate the media. Its all about selling papers and getting more ratings over the other networks. Never really about the news. I mean, you...
Yup, tis me! :3 :smug:
Anyone into other gaming systems other than 40k or Fantasy? I was into Confrontation before they almost went bust. But then they replaced all...
*Declares this post ALIVE* Other than all types of wargaming I'm into the following: -Football (Leicester City) -Rugby Union (Leicester Tigers)...
Hey! I'm err... well new... kinda. I don't collect Lizardmen... in fact I don't play WFB yet. :jawdrop: Though I am starting Dwarfs later in...
I saw a picture of her in the paper yesterday, and basically all it was a model'esq picture of her with no hair and naked. (From at least the...
Heavy metal and rock mostly. But I also like EBM, industiral and Goth. I don't really hate any type of music. Bands I like include:...