I agree with quicksilver, but it depends on who you play against. Your saurus Scar-Veteran doesn't really need a halberd since you have poison -...
I played agaibst him lady night, and I didn't win. Was a close one though! I mashed his ghosts + banshees with my stegadon war spear, and my...
no, he has a power that lets him have -1 to cast it, dont know what it is... I'll try to smack him next time :P
Thank you so much, this should help me with new strategies against him! That rule help, then he has two vampire lords (one with fencers in a...
I didn't find any answers to this, so I need some help here.. I play 2000p against Vampire Counts. All undead are immune to psychology and...
First off, this list seems really fun to play! You need a really big board though :P I like your oldblood, that flying flanker could really cause...
Yes, I just won my game two days ago because I had one TG champion left with my slann against 15 orcs (last round :P). It's a lifesaver.
I use it on my heroes to chase the goblins and skaven, it has worked nicely so far, and it takes out the fear from other units (not that lizardmen...
Thank you all for your tips! :D I don't have that many models, otherwise I would go for the many saurus blocks... I have two blocks of saurus...
Hi everyone, I just joined after many months of sneak-peaking over here. I'm a 22 year old girl from sweden :D I have collected Lizardmen for a...
Hello everyone, I've played ten or so matches by now and we decided to make things a bit more interesting. Since I am the only one with models to...