I have played Warhammer Fantasy during 6th and early 7th edition and stopped, and am recently coming back now that it is 8th edition. I like...
Hello, Can anyone post the description / explanation 1. Of the Horde Rule for me :smug: . My friend and I share a copy of the WHFB 8th Ed Rule...
How about the Max Character points do you know whats the rule. I know before the rule was 25% then it became a fixed number based on points. What...
Second More Mobile and Magic Oriented Army List 2000 points Characters: 565 Slann * 1 + 3 Discipline + Battle Standard Bearer + Bane Head +...
Hello fellow worshipers of the Old Gods. :smug: I played Warhammer Fantasy during the 6-7th edition using VC and TKs and quited to play World...