:O So blind! 2590! Think I need to drop the teradons then ;)
Thanks for the input! I took the dawnstone for the priest because he gets a 2+ save from the Ancient Steg (eotg). I'll look into the banner and...
Hi there folks! This is a list I wanted to make/play because I just like the theme of it. Played allot with saurus warriors and wanted something...
It is actually just the Apocolypse version of Fantasy. I actually like that you could just get some cool "other" army monsters and play them in...
I actually bought the resin Kroq-Gar, and the details are good and the model is sweetly light. What i didnt like was that it already missed a...
Sadly that's what I figured. That's pretty lame.
I still can't find it in any of the rules. Riverstrider removes Dangerous Terrain tests from rivers per rules in the Rulebook. Rivers say that...
Ok, So I am kind of confused. Aquatic gave you the ability to ignore movement restrictions by water obstacles in 7th. Now skinks have the...
So if the stone thrower centers on the model. Randomize the S9 hit and the rest get hit by s3? Now i understand why people say gone with the...
So just to let me get it right? When a stonethrower centered its template on a Steg model. Every part of the model gets a S10 hit?
So.. after your recomedations I've made the following: Slaan Mage (BSB) The Focused Rumination The Becalming Cogitation Standard of Discipline...
I playing a game vs some friends this weekend and this wil be my second game. So a bit of help on the army part wouldn't hurt. One of them is...
I couldn't find any sheet metal here in the Netherlands.. But a friend of mine helped me by providing some thin sheet metal cut from old computer...