Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone :) While i completely agree with your suggestions to change the contrast between the skin and the...
Thanks for the help everyone! Here's what i came up with: thanks :rage:
Hey i am new to playing lizardmen but i mostly fight dark elves Slann BSB (Life) (with TG) becalming Cognition Focus of Mystery Focused Rumnation...
Wow!!!!! Divinor i must say your work is quite inspirational!!!
I have heard people talk about reversing the colors of you your army for the mounts. So instead of paintin mechrite red on the scales you could...
So far i am sticking with the red/ dark red color scheme. Still unsure of the color for the shield... maybe brown? @n810: i like that color scheme :)
Wow!!! very impressive Infyra!! If you dont mind me asking what colors did you use to paint the scales?
Edit: attempted to attach photo again and it didnt work lol Edit:Edit: got the photo to work :droid:
So i was wondering if anyone has done red lizardmen? My thoughts for painting a saurus warrior are as follows: 1.Mechrite red entire model...