The Tank can only put three of its steam points in to any one option it has so max random movement is 3d6 not 5. and as a whole i feel that the...
For me it has to be my Empire. they were the first army i picked up but then i went lizzes. i still pick them up from time to time, so they will...
There magic is not likely to get off but when it does make sure they dont get off and T increases or killing them becomes a pain in the arse...
SWEET BUTTERY JEEEZUZ!!!! that looks so nice... to bad im a poor person :( oh well still whoever gets it will be a happy man
For me my fav model has to be the Chakax model. as for Saurus i run them 30 strong with hand weps (parry is a great thing) and i think 3 units of...
I personally love Chakkax but i agree about him getting nerfed, but i like to feild him just to stop my buddies kill all lords as they tend to buy...
Well i checked the FAQ and couldnt find it in there but whenever me and my friends play we use them as QtF weapons. I can see the argument against...
Im gonna quote my friend on this one. "each army has a downside for a reason. otherwise we would all play the same army then it would get boring."...
First of MERRY CHRISTMAS!! now that that is out of the way. So my buddies and I were talking about what armies we love and hate to fight...
In my experience (which is to say about once a week) when my friend plays his brets i tend to field my Warriors to get the most ranks and...
I dont win every game with him, in fact my friend who plays the bretts is dead even with me when it comes to wins and losses against each other....
Hey guys long time no chat. so i seem to run into a problem with my friends, they keep complaining that the Slann is OP and that they have nothing...
How did he field 4 Trebs? i thought they were rare and you can only field 2 of each under 3K? or is this from the 7 ed? o_O
Well Im just gonna say as an Empire player that you dont need to kill the tank. bump it down to 6 wounds left and its a new lawn orniment. Also...
Well in a 2000 pt game i roll with a Carnssaur rider with the Blade of Tzunki and Shield of the Mirrored Pool, with Light armour. comes to 460...
Im new to the Lizards and was hopeing for some advice before i went in to deep. thanks again for the tips.
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update April 25th***) Dude thats to cool to handle. you are AMAZING!!!! if i played against that thing i...
Ok that seems like a good plan. Ill try it when i play them. And now the Wood Elves... i dont even know how they work. btw thanks to everyone...
ok cool thanks for the ideas. Now for one ive never faced and i might have to soon, Dark Elves. they worry me. is it like facing the HE or do i...
I've tried that but he always gets them with the magic or LSG unit of his. and dont get me started on the PG He also likes to have Tyron or...