already on it ;) never used green stuff but i'll get used to it on the moment i moddeled my friends gyrocopter after he smashed it to the ground...
Ok so its gonna take a while because of the resin issue I hope I can find some so I can finally start converting already.bussy with the rider...
Thnxz for the help so far For now I think ill go with the scheme I did on tik and swoop picture on the left maybe a bit more blueish Im planning...
he everyone im planning on modelling my terradon riders into ikran riders from avatar i'll replace the skinks with coc riders and i'll give them...
indeed that would be a very long travel :p
Well I got 2 batallions and I paint them without the shield arms that way you can paint it fully and later the shieldarms hope this helps?
aah figures ok well i'm making a coc champion on a modified cold one too make it a horned one and i gave him a halberd as a weapon from my tg's...
North east of groningen;p near german borders
Ok well I checked and im just under 3k without any maguc items I do intend too get a slann soon also some sallys and chamos Im new too all this so...
He I'm new too playing and i'm going to take on my friend and nephew in battle but the only problem is that I never played before only painted so...
Well ancient stegadon,your the first dutch guy I have seen here lol (ik heb je ook als vriend toegevoegd hoop dat je het niet erg vind)
i hope this link works don't know yet how it all works. if it's the right one then this is the link to my tiktaq-toe sorry it had to be hyves i...
wow 12 stegs that's a lot of rampaging meat haha i'm thinking on modelling the new steg into a mazdamundi version:) but first things first i need...
thanks so far, i'm goingtoo order some terradons for tiq taq. at the moment 36 of my saurus have spears. after the slann i think the next...
hey everyone i'm pretty new too battles but i've been painting for 1 year now with pauzes in the middle. this is my army list so far i'm planning...