well i know the ogre player is taking a thundertusk not the cannon. amongst their team the wood elf player is the strongest of the 3. ive gone 1...
Saurus Champion chameleon skinks im working on oxyotl for the stalker my kroxigor i have 2 more in the works my temple guard...
cool thanks. i have more pics, i just have to upload my chameleon skinks minus the stalker and my krox and my saurus
So i started painting my lizardmen. I wanted to go with a desert theme. so im not the best painter by any means. but i like how they turned out....
how does the dark elf power dice thing work. can they go past the maximum of 12 dice?
Hey All So me and my friends are taking part in a 2v3. 3000 lizardmen & 3000 High Elves vs 2000 ogres & 2000 wood elves & 2000 dark elves...
hey guys so my exp with wood elves are super lacking so im looking for info. So im doing my lizardmen in a very deserty theme. ie yellow for base...
cool thanks for the advice, i really like skinks i was playing with units of of 10 or so for the skirmishers to help deflect charges and widdle...
So im entering a 2250 tourney with a skaven, orks, ogres, vc, empire, we, he, and maybe some chaos oh and dwarfs What i have is about 36 skink...