Yeah it does actually. Probably based off a similar Dino. I got it from the works.
I'm getting back into lizardmen, While I waited for some units to arrive I started working on a custom carnosaur. This is what I have so far. [img]
the 10 man model unit of temple guard is cos I only own 10 temple guard(although i could proxy) and its never been a problem (i need to buy more)....
I recently played a game against a friends O&G army (who ive not beaten before) and beat him by the end of turn 3 (he gave up he'd killed 200...
thanks i can see them closer now. I wasnt able to get near enough to them at gamesday to get a decent photo.
from what i gathered from my conversation with him was that the release date was for the forgeworld monster book.
I was at gamesday 2011 and got a chance to look through that book although everytime i tried getting a photo the guy hid the book (oh well) I did...
Ok I was at gamesday on sunday and saw this on the armies on parade and wondered if anyone had any ideas on how to make terradons like these cos I...
thanks for the advice. I didnt realise the dispel scroll was arcane. ill will try what youve suggested in a game in the next few days.
ok This is a 2400 pts list that I made in a bit of a rush the other day because my friend wanted a game with his tomb kings. He had just beaten...
thankyou for the input. I will probably get another skink squad and give them javelins but at my LGS they wont mind me using the ones ive attached...
theres shields for both the skinks and saurus. by the sounds of it. im guessing skinks dont have shields if they have blow pipes. (I dont have the...
Ok I'd just like to say straight away I'm a 40k player who wanted to start a lizardmen army. Ive played one game of WHF and won. (he went very...