With the mount, hes about 550 points. Way too many points.
hey, what are everyones thoughts about tehenhauin? hes not too many points, seeing how he is a lord. My friend plays Skaven, so when i noticed...
Good idea, I'll hold off for a week from now, when I get my paints from miniwargaming. I'll post the link to it in the sig when it's got some...
Hey everyone, I recently decided on a paint scheme for my lizardmen and the paint will arrive in roughly a week. I'm using amber orange,...
ill take the Ancient Stegadon with engine of the gods. could you send me a quote on the price please. is there any paint on it? how far along...
So for the skin, it would be desert yellow with mecharius solar orange highlight/drybrush. And btw how does desert yellow sound? I think it's too...
my models are primed grey, so ill have to work with that for the specific colours, what would you say to: Skin: desert yellow basecoat scab red...
I recently posted a link to a frog known as a harlequin poison dart frog. I am going to base my colour scheme around the colours of this frog, but...
yes, i think its safe to say ill go with the Harlequi poison dart frog. i already have shining gold any sunburst yellow, so the rest of the paint...
hey everyone, i cant decide on which colour scheme to paint my lizardmen. I was going to make them orange, red and yellow, but it sounded a bit...
i dont know much about stand and shoot and that other thing you mentioned, but i like the blowguns and i think ill stick with those. The skink...
http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/new-gw-finecast-miniatures-first-impressions- Matt from miniwargaming did a great review of the new...
An awesome list of mine. I figured id share it with the community of the Old Ones. I put it up on warseer, but got no replies. Maybe you could all...
what disciplines of the ancients would be best on him then?
hello, Worshippers of the Old Ones! Im interested in the lizardmen and i was wondering if you could point me in the right direction in terms of a...