I play aos very competitively so was not looking at 40k as my competitive game. I enjoyed the cards a lot, the game felt great for what i wanted...
GIVE IT A REST CANAS JEEZ LOUISE. I played my first few games of tenth the other week after being out of 40k for a while and it was fantastic!...
Thanks! Kind of ironic given the title of this very thread lol.
I'd be very interested in reading that research. I think a lot of that is essentially what I'm saying as well. People in power tend to create...
I think that's underplaying a lot of the conservative policies that people feel have gotten them to this point. I think it's fair to say a decent...
Yeah and it totally might not be to your liking. It's definitely different than 3. It might not be good different for everyone. The broad strokes...
As an fyi dartpipes debuff only lasts for that turn. Bolas also don't have a better save.
Conservatives were in power for 14 years. The failings of his predecessors were his own parties failing, so I don't know if it's necessarily...
Should probably try a game before you write if off. You really have no idea if those models are useless because you have no context of what works...
Unlimited doesn't let the same wizard cast multiple times. Damage output on kroak is down and no fight last. If he's a lot more than slann it...
Very strong. They'll be everywhere.
Been playing some fourth edition games, seraphon feel great and new edition seems pretty solid. Definitely a learning curve, but the amount of...
At this point we know basically all the scrolls and just need to know points. Looks great overall but obviously points are the most important...
Hey man, just wanted to say that i truncated my message a bit cause i felt like i was getting a little off track and personal. Looks like you...
Dude, i feel like we are falling farther and farther down the rabbit hole of more hyper specific scenarios that ultimately are pretty irrelevant....
I've definitely noticed that. If I had to guess, I think that's sometimes because players confuse a units strength with the "how well did I roll...
A single wizard with a bonk stick simply should not out fight 10 clan rats. That's the whole point. If the player thinks a starpriest is useless...
He's supposed to cast the endless because endless are, at bare minimum, free screens that you can put in front of your army to eat up banishes or...
Free manifestations means this is likely to never happen unless you're running an extreme number of wizards and/or casts. 3 casts from your...
gotcha, ya that makes sense if you are buying them separately, but the only official GW box they come in includes all the generics. Assuming they...