I'm actually playing a 1000 point tourney in a couple weeks. I'm also taking an Oldblood :) I thought up a couple lists, and I actually only had...
Do you find that Chameleon Skinks are useful? Or are they just a big waste of points? Tell me what you think, I'm interested to hear your opinions...
You can't have both a shield and a great weapon :P
Ok, thanks alot :)
Ok, so here's my problem: are characteristic tests caused by magic items or spells (specifically the blood stattuette of spite) magic attacks?...
Guys, I don't know if you read the Daily Blog, but you should head over to the gw site right now. They had a slideshow up once you entered the...
I'm Canadian eh? :D
Hmm, I'll think about it. However, is it cheesy if I use my slann in 1500 points?
Hey guys, I was looking at our army book, and I wondered; can you put a hero on a mount in a unit? I think the answer is yes. If so, can you put a...
Then you can't take more than one. But just giving my 2 cents on special stegadons, their shooting is very unreliable. I recently ran a game...
Ok, thanks alot. I'll try this stuff out in our next game
:O yes, he has told me I can't march.. WOW. This is my fault though, for not reading the rules correctly. I normally don't like calvary, and I...
Ethereal? But all Forest Spirit units have magical attacks. And my friend has 24 dryads and a treeman. I mean, it would allow the slann to survive...
Sounds interesting. I don't know any DE players, but I think you should post this on The Pyramid Vault too. They'd also have interest in this.
Same here! Thats hilarious!!
Allright, thanks guys. I'm playing 1500 points with him in a week or two, so not that soon because of final exams. I don't have a list right now,...
Forgive me if I am wrong, but I thought the Champion was always the last one to die in a unit?
Hi there, I'm newish to this forum, first post. I have a problem with woodelves, as one of my very good friends is regularly beating me in our...