So my man likes to browse space marine forums and such, and he came across someone's converted chaos slaanesh army....
I have a leopard gecko. She's a markingless rainwater albino. Basically shes orange on top with a white belly, no spots or anything. The end of...
Suppose I'm the second gal on the forums. It's a little blurry because its a picture of a picture, no scanner at the time. [attach] I can't...
Awww, it's cute! I would love to have a snake but roommate is scared to death of them. I do have a leo and two crested geckos. But I'd agree that...
Sorry, I have no lizzies to show ya, mine are still unpainted, but I will have an alternate version of the classic blue, it'll be dark on top and...
They're really cool regardless. Did you make them yourself or get them from somewhere? If it was mentioned in an earlier post I missed it and...
It's looking super awesome so far. Can't wait to see it finished! I do have a question cool and amazing as it all is, doesn't the...
The hint of white is there because the frog's skin is slightly moist, and it reflects surronding light alot better. One option besides hilighting...
I would've liked to have seen the results. Or participated. Will this ever be finished? Will it be done again?
Np, I plan on painting some of my models after specific reptiles/amphibians, but not my whole army. Can't wait to see the pics, should turn out...
Not to harsh your thread or anything, but the skink is a reptile. Amphibians are frogs, toads, salamanders, and the like with the smoothy skin....
Hello everyone, scalies and otherwise. Feel free to call me Tiger. I live in Virginia, USA. I have a small collection of mostly unassembled...