Re: Ghost lizards (now with pics) Looks good so far. would like to see a finshed model.what way are you going to bace the models.
I have played with a an oldblood list for the last 8 year and would like to change to a slan list .I have been playing around with army Builder...
If you go to bitsbox you migth get them.
I like the purple on the stegadon,But i would darken the siliver on stegadon with Brown ink or Black ink.The skinks are cool .
One way i used to get rid of Goblin Fanatics is to take 10 skermish skinks .Come up from the side and force out the Fanatics and try to get them...
In my option you pay 6 pts for +1 attack ,so i would have to say no.I do not us them.
That guy is a dick, for anybody who uses Thorek should be shot himself .It is a borring game.You could just stick 2 big hill in th middle of the...
Very cool, Can't wait to get mine.Are they hard to paint with all the spines.How did you start.What browns did you start with.I love the skinks.
I have a game of warhammer to day with Dark elves.Here is what i will be taking.what do you guys think. Slan Mage-Priest armed with Rod of the...
Stegadon [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] Salamanders [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] I am now look to get...
Here is what the lord has, Great weapon,Shieldbearers,Rune of snorri spanglehem,Master rune of kragg the grim and resistance.
His Dwarf lord had it pissed me of right.
Just make sure to get the skinks out of your way by the 3rd turn so you can charge.
Very small army.The Slaan Mage-Priest must be very expenive.Over 500 pts.
Hi guys you need 3 krox in unit to make it legal.So you have to have 24 skinks in your Unit of krox's.It is under the kroxigors in the new book.So...
My first Question is can you get 0+ armour save, I thought the best was a 1+ armour save.I was playing Dwarfs at the time.I know it would only be...
Yes it is crap way to make us buy more of there models.GW is all about the bottem line ( money).
Only in Gw tournements.
I would us white spray as you are using a lot of bright colours.
Krox in units are crap so would go with 3 krox with 12 skerimsh skink in front .to sock up unit that will shott at the kroxs.