I'd give it a 60%. a good first try, with reasonable acting and animation. i hope they make another, larger scale one with sicarius and guardsmen...
40K is, in my opinion, brilliant fun, however there are some changes from WHFB that arent too obvious, but still very important. 1. tactics....
What do you do in the event of a draw Xlcontiqu? You should give it some thought, especially with things like the TK's curse. Just dropping in....
I believe that some things are always the same: a spear is one point, a wizard level is 35, but some others, like shields, change, and special...
Simple two-stage anti-Teclis plan with lore of life: -step 1: irresistible ToV. -step 2: irresistible Dwellers. Repeat step 2 until Teclis is...
I go wit units of eighteen with spears in ranks of five. The guys at the back die first turn before they can strike, but that doesn't matter, as...
Arguably yes, as Ld 9 and cold blooded has such a tiny chance of failing, and the TG are stubborn, the re-roll might be required so little it...
I hope you are talking about CC only, Batu, or I will be forced to shout at you.
Do you live down under Arli? If you do, I must ask: how much is a box of chamos normally (I'm trying to get a tough idea of the price...
Another one: Skeletons ( including cavalry) count as aquatic. Some othe things (such as animated constructs, and all monsters) are also aquatic,...
Can somebody post a house rule and drag this thread back on track?
You seem to have cleverly got around the traditional weakness of gobbos (Ld) with a large target general. :) clever. Still best to keep an eye...
Thanks redeyefrog, but I think I need a mumak for this. I already have plans for using dinosaur models. On a happy note, I've tested the CWM's...
If you give that SSV the bane head he will be doing multiple wounds(4)! That's better than a cannon (on avarage) and can kill anything! My friend...
Thanks for that. I've never seen a real (model) mumak, so I had no idea of the scale, and I don't want to go anywhere near the forge.
The character almost certainly doesn't take the T and W of the chariot, otherwise TKs would get nerfed ( their chariots are T4, W3, whereas a tomb...
What other armies do you most commonly fight? ( which armies are most common/have the most neighbouring tiles etc?)
Look at the pictures page title. It IS that character. Any plans on the rules? Perhaps a normal giant with cold blooded and a scaly save.
Pretty good. :) Also, don't worry about taking ages to paint, at least the outcome is good!