No but don't quarrelers have the option for crossbows and great weapons??? I really don't know yet. It's still difficult as I don't have the...
That's what I was worried about. Looking at them I really liked the hammerers and their tough Lords. And I was looking for a more 'in your face'...
Thank you for all the helpful responses (especially the last couple!) I've narrowed it down to dwarves and lizardmen. I think I need to...
We literally just play round each others houses. We don't play in tournaments but.. my friend likes to play net lists. He used lots of wild...
I do like the idea of strong resolute dwarves. But I can imagine playing them being really boring with them not having alot of movement... other...
The armies that im instantly drawn to are Skaven, lizardmen, and warriors of chaos. Maybe tomb kings. I'm not too bothered about how an army plays...
Are there any units in the book that don't particularly work well? As I mentioned before... my friend plays wood elves. Are lizards a good match...
Thanks man. Seriously out of lizards and high elves I'm preferring the look of lizards. It just upsets me thinking they aren't quite as good....
Hahaha who knows eh? :) I just want to thank you for helping make this decision a little easier. I've ordered the book.. and I'll have a read...
Yeah... my problem is im so easily swayed. My wood elf friend will just say "yeah well.. i'll just do this." and im so easily riled up i'll bite...
Thanks for the great replies :) I think this is exactly what i needed to hear. If i choose an army based on it being 'stronger' when the incoming...
I assume you all play lizardmen over high elves though?? What makes you stay with lizardmen over high elves?? I mean IF high elves are better...
Hi guys I've been out of Fantasy for a very long time, and looking to get back into it! I started by purchasing The high elves limited edition...
Hey guys It's been a while since I've logged onto this forum, and a while since I last played warhammer itself! I've always been a massive fan...
Hey guys. It's been a while since I last logged onto this forum, and a while since I've played any warhammer at all! I've always been a massive...
But is the leadership modifier the same? it just seems silly that 20 saurus warriors will run and die so easily??
i thought of that but its not much of a game changer... all he has to do is sit it back and power it up.... what if i surround it and beat it with...
he had like magic resistance 3? toughness 6.... is so hard to even touch. the only way i can see is surrounding it and outranking it.
Hey guys, Had a battle today and me and my friends are still a little sketchy on the rules Basically what happened was the black coach flew into...
But that means you have to have that spell on most of your army to avoid being totally destroyed by that spell?.... I know that would negate the...