Hi guys! Here's some progress on the skink starseer. Still looking for a proper left arm, but btm this is how its going I used some weapong from...
Thanks!! i hope i can show you guys more progress soon
Hi guys! Lil update :) I'm finisihing my studies so the time i have for the hobby is quite little, but here is what i've been working on: I'm...
SKINK SCHEME: I'd like to start asking some advice for my skink scheme. I saw a cool scheme online a time ago, ind tried to copy it but trying to...
Hi everyone! Im pretty excited to start this blog (couple of months later than planned). First of all excuse me for my english. I'll try to write...
This month i have just a little free time, ill try: Finish my shroudrunners (only 1 raider left) Find a proper scheme for my skinks, im having...
Finish painting shroud runners (2/3) - Paint some space marines from leviathan box (not really a goal but dont want to leave them unpainted) -...
Yeah it totally rocks. Did you test any print? I cant wait to see that champion finished :):)
Wow this is actually stunning. Loving the old saurus look, i managed to have 1 of those saurus when i was like 7 years old, so this bring me some...
I have a few objectives this september: - Finish painting shroud runners (2/3) - Paint some space marines from leviathan box (not really a goal...
Thanks mate, i think blow pipes will be the final choice :)
Thanks guys! Im excited about being a lizard again hahah About the painting blog, i will start it in a couple of weeks, pretty busy right now :)...
I think your best choice could be finding someone who prints 3D minis and ask for a pack to lower the price. 3D printing is indeed really cheap so...
Thanks mate, i really appreciate the advice :) I knew about the clubs damage but also was concerned about the range problem, but i wasnt really...
Thanks! I think i'll be able to start it in a couple of weeks :)
Well i was asking myself the same question as Fer_Silfore, im glad i read your answer! I didnt also know if they were still playable , or if they...
Welcome! Im also new here, hope to see you more around here :)
Hi guys, this is my first post (excluding my introduction post). Im really new into AoS, have never played it. I was thinking about rebasing my...
Hi guys, im Bondi. I've recently introduced myself again into the hobby, i used to play lizardmen in 7º and 8º edition of Fantasy Battles, but i...