Thanks, I kinda like him too :D
sorry for the slow update, but i can promis that tomorrow there will be new pics of my army showing of my progres stay tuned for tomorrow :D
You should try this list out, it's pretty solid for a 500 pt. army :) ----------------------------------------------------------- Skink Priest,...
Thanks for the help, i tried to find out how to post pics, but could'nt get it right ..
Hey everybody ! :) As i'm starting a new army, and I have always loved to see and follow others logging abort making there own, I decided to...
thanks for replying, forgot that the skink priest is lvl 2 ... but Yes i love the razordon model, and i have heard that it can be good on a flank,...
Hey . just startet playing lizardmen, but need a little advise on my list :) . Hero : Scar-vet. BSB Armor of destiny Shield Halbert -167 lvl2...