Re: Arrayed for War: painting log (update 09/07) I love your salamander :) It reminds me of the first miniature i sculpted (that also was a...
Yeah... I'm working on one, but not just for this slann. I'm making it interchangeable, as that miniature will be carrying the army banner, so it...
Soory man... I meant Bush_Craft :oops:
I know it's been quite a long time, but i have been very busy at college. I know it's not a very big update, but this is all i've had time to do...
Wow... I like your ideas a lot, thanks, but i'm afraid i'll have to forget about the battery and the circuits and the light... it's just too much...
Hummmm... I like that idea... But it reminds me too much of "The Three Storms" from "Big trouble in Little China". I'll have to think of it and...
An idea came just now for the "lore of beasts palanquin"... A wooden floor with giant chicken legs, like the ones from Baba Yaga's hut... What do...
I like the crystal-themed palanquin... something like Superman's fortress of solitude, with skeletons/demons in it's base, burning and in pain......
They are ok, thanks, but i wanted to keep the slann itself with minor conversions, like repositioning the arms or heads, or giving him a mask or...
Well, hi everybody. As you may know (or not) i'm trying to sculpt different palanquins for my slann, palanquins that have to match the different...
If you are going for the temple themed bases, i like the ones from base X of war ( ) much more. And the skirmish...
You can do something like this: [attach] I am using it to make something completely different (a lore of death slann instead of a column of...
Yeah! I'm glad you noticed it, as the motion i wanted him to have obliged the model to lean on the right side, and i thought that it was more...
Well, in the list i play i usually play 2 scar-vets, one with great weapon and one with hand weapon and shield (the one carrying the "crown of...
He just goes in the right corner so the hammer stays out. Thanks for the comments, guys, and yes, in a world of warmammoths breathing ice,...
Re: My scratch slann (just palanquin by now) It's not that fragile, i can assure you, as i've been playing with (and transporting) it for a while...
Re: My scratch slann (just palanquin by now) So, i finished modeling it. I consider it finished apart from the sand and some details i have to...
Thanks! :) Yeah, i thought of making the arms bulkier, and i'll give it a try. It's not a problem to rank it in a saurus unit, as it will go in...
Can't make the points for the venom, as the "armor of destiny is a must have when using heroes with great weapons (i love the ward save of 4+ for...
Well, it's not painted yet (and won't be for a while), but at least it's finished and ready to play (and paint when i have time). Hope you like...