All noobs are welcome. I think that Razordon's have to 'stand and shoot' in all situations. So I assume that applies even after their handlers are...
What do people think about the Drop Rocks special rule? Does that come into play a lot?
This seems to be a point of contention among Lizardmen players. They surely have their pros and cons. Thematically I think I would swing on the...
Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems ranking up. I'm only new to Lizardmen but it's not hard to see the preference for...
Ah ha. So it is. You are a font of knowledge my friend.
That's what i thought about the skirmishers, they only need to rank up when they come into contact with an enemy. Do they not have that problem...
Yeah, would only be aiming for about a 1,500 point army at this stage. Keep it simple to start off. Is the Slann a viable option at this size...
Ok, so I recently decided to actually play WHFB instead of faffing about painting random miniatures so I have decided to build a Lizardmen army to...