Hey guys, I'm thinking of a different style of play for the new storm of magic game so let me know what you think. Slann Lore of Life, Focused...
hey guys just a quickie should I deploy a unit if 20 skink skirmishers or 2 x 10 skirmishers? cheers in advance. :P
Hey guys, started writing a list and it turned out really odd, but it looks like it could work! Let me know what you think! Slann mage priest...
Ah... Thank you.
i'm sat here scratching my head on how to explain this without breaking the rules but here goes. The rulebook says that the 2 priests add up to 15...
I do like the list he wrote... But how was mine over the limit for heroes? They're only 110 points of heroes and 25 % of 500 is 125 :-/
well if i was going to run an all skink list... i'd do Skink Priest Skink Priest Chameleon Skinks x 5 21 skinks 21 skinks Salamander +...
I stand corrected!
Well at the moment list one is illegal. Your army can only consist of special units up to 25 percent. Your stegadon is way over that.
Slann +focus of mystery +focused rumination +unfathonable presence +state of conciousness +cupped hands Tetto'Eko Skink priest +cube of...
Hey guys, trying a theme using a high powered heavenly slann and tetto'eko. Irresistable all the way :-) Let me know what you think. Slann +focus...
Thanks for the tips guys! I agree that it is too samey. I've repainted the shield green and will post pick tonight. Good call on that website btw,...
Looking for a 500 point list for a match this weekend. Unknown opponent so expecting anything. This is the current list; Skink Priest Skink...
Hey guys, I'm a brand new fantasy player and for my first army i'm going to roll Lizards :) i've been through a lot of drafts already but let me...
As the topic suggests I have just finished painting my very first lizardman! Let me know what you guys think :) any tips/suggestions are very welcome