The Skitters is fairly small (Ceram's, unlike other Mangrove Monitors) rarely get above three feet long, and considering his tail is longer than...
I love it, it's great for softening up a war machine, or doing some nice dents in a unit you fly over on the way to a war machine. It's also...
Unless it's in the Errata I call bullsh%t. Regrowth specifically states that champions are resurrected first, then musicians, which are both...
I don't think Razordons are terrible, but they aren't an offensive artillery piece the way Salies can be. For one thing, you don't get that many...
Not much I can add to what's been said, what you want to buy next really comes done to how you like to play, although I second the Salamanders,...
I have two Savanna Monitors (Varanus exanthematicus) named Scramble and Douglas, I am planning on painting up my Saurus to resemble them! I also...
So are you only taking Cold One Cavalry and Terradons in this game then? Sounds kinda boring to play (unless you are allowing Carnosaurs and...
@eppe; True, but I'm not arguing that they see them as better, just that they do easily comprehend the difference.
@eppe; That still demonstrates that they easily grasp the difference, and understand motives, because they understood that the Dark Elves were a...
The Lizardmen can DEFINITELY tell the various sub-races apart. On page 25 of the newest army book has in year 2349 the Lizardmen magically...
@ Strewart; True, but at least I don't get the -1 for moving and shooting! Not that it usually matters since I'm usually counting on those...
I talked it over with the friends I play with and it could be argued (admittedly with a fairly flimsy pretext) with the second half of the wording...
Thanks for the welcome! Yah, he is an incredibly generous dude. Sadly he is out of armies to give away, but if he decides to get out of the...
The errata off the website (version 1.4 seems to be the newest) only says; Page 41 – Special Rule – Aquatic Change the first sentence to “Models...
I'm new to WHFB and cannot for the life of me find the answer to this in either the Lizardmen book or the big rule book. On pg 41 under Aquatic...
Hey everyone, Just wanted greet everyone since I'm new to the board! I've been playing WH40K for a few years now with a Necron army, but since...