The rulings for Poisoned Attacks, in the Battle to skull pass is on the same page as the Bigger rule book. Go to Page 95 of Battle to Skull Pass...
Life is a good lore to use, i cant believe i almost forgot about that.
You can use the 'Burning alignment' ability in CC due to what Caneghem said ''All'' Enemy units.
WOW o_O To-neh They look amazing, i like the colour schemes for them.
Fire would generally be the best against wood elves. And the spells are easy to pull off.
Extra Die Per Spell Would Be AWSOME, theoreticy it would work aswell if you can get all the rolls right. plus opponents never think youor going to...
Ok here is the deal i need help lol, im facing the following Dwarven army soon and i haventr a clue how to combat them as i usually face...
I know about this one the Australian Boy who got famous online.
Its strang i read this and think Stegadon yeah thats ok Stegadon with one member of crew with pendant even better steg also gains frenzy. Now...
i stand by the fact that salamanders can be more useful than the razordons, due to their flames and panic tests.
I have asked all the people who play warhammer down here and the staff of our local 2 GW's and they have said we would assume that the highest BS...
At this case it would be wise to confirm at the start of battles with your opponent. As it is unconfirmed in rulings that you can or cannot use...
I personaly cant wait for this all to end, due to the fact millions of people die because of cancer. But one person who is a celebrity gets...
Skink on a Thunder Lizard. Now that would be EPIC Saying that GW should make the Thunder Lizards.
I was reading previous post about dwarf lord supposed 0+ save (corrected to 1+ being lowest) good to know for future dwarf battles. What is the...
The main armies that are played down here are: Chaos, Dwarves and Orks/Goblins. They are my frequent opponents. I want to hit them hard and...
Lizardmen 2000 points Heroes: Skink Priest Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods: 405 Points Saurus Scar-Veteran Sword of the Hornet...
Is there anything i can do to make this list better. 1000 point army. Skink Priest – 425 • Ancient Stegadon with engine of the gods • Level 2...
Im sorry im new to lizardmen, and have come across scaly skin save in the codex and was wondering: A) what is it? B) Is it a form of armour...