I have done a similar list, also with 2 stegadons (both ancient), but with 3 skinks units of 12+vanguard since tournament have often 0-3 rule. I...
Nice!! May I ask you what is Lustria? Is like an ambient book? I tried to found it online as pdf but it's the only one I miss so i have no idea...
Saurus Oldblood [235 pts] - Hand weapon - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - On foot - Dragon Slaying Sword - Glyph Necklace If he is in bas of contact...
The mainly problem in this edition are neither cost by itself or blowpipes. The mainly problem is that evasive doesn't really help AND they die...
Well ...a flying saurus maybe isn't so bad either =) Charmed shield, great weapon and he can hide at the side of the skinks ;) Not sure he is...
Sword of swiftness works only on the hero, not the troup. And 4 attacks with no AP...idk. isn't bad but not the best either. And if you are...
I read exact the opposite at, since Seraphon are selling well in AoS, they will not be updated for Oldworld. However your is a good idea....
They should need both included costs for the 3 skinks (as it was before) as well as move & shoot. Razordon should need to do more hits because d3...
We had NEVER had so high leadership. So suggest a Slann with Ld 10 is both wrong and not tematic imho. The real problem is too give back cold...
a) Is a good suggestion i haven+t thought. I'll think about it. b) Bretonnia will have both an infantery and a realm cavalry as scoring (just...
I agree =) The balancement is just bananas with the new arcane journals... I should have specificied that is the original US that counts. That the...
An alternative to ruby ring would be Exiles magic items (wand+vial), both give once a game a fireball power level 3 and the vial once a game a...
Well soon we will have a pair tournament and I wonder as usual to some suggestions. The rules are the following 1000 points army each, both can...
Completely agree....before you could win with magic, in this edition you can rarely do some good damages. Some good spells exist but they are not...
Skink Chief [110 pts] (Javelin, Light armor (Calloused hide), Shield, Terradon, Ruby Ring of Ruin) [it would have been interesting to equip him...
No it was another rules specific for bound spells.
Regarding Monsoon, I stand by C tier and that signature spells should be C tier Why?? Check O&G magic, Tzeentch Beastman. EVERYONE has much...
I agree on mostly but not to increase carnosaur points. Come on you have movement 7 and nothing else good. WS 3!! Not 4. If you give him WS 4 and...
I don't like dragon slayer sword a lot sincerely. I prefer ogre blade since it works against everything. Inclusive ogres and so on. This since you...
The name Warpcoven yes, Thousands sons marine are also in 40k. So nothing new.