Aha! I have built a scar vet or an oldblood on a cold one, I will post a pic when it is done. Kind of a "jumping into the fray" motif.
What do you mean by cowboys? Oldbloods on Carnys?
Yes proxy's are a good idea. i use stands and a measuring tape most of the time. Hey another question though... Has anyone found a particular...
Awesome I am so excited at this offer of generosity! I can take an email money transfer... that would be be best. This way I can order them right...
So I JUST got the new book (university), and I am wondering, what is the essential new model to get? looks like I can dust off my cold one riders,...
skrox may be immune but the Grey Seer could do alot of damage before they got to him, and he doesn't have to cast it at the skrox :P, I would have...
My big fear with doing that (plaque 5 spells vs. all 7) is that I might not get throne of vines, which is what a life Slaan's strategy centers...
I have 400 points to play with do I: 1) Take him with 2 disciplines Focus of Mastery and Rumination, with cupped hands of the old ones (put a DS...
So, which do I take? Slaan 275 3 Disc Rum Mast Cog DS Scr, Life 20 Temple Guard F/C Ban Et Flame 30 Saurus F/C 2...
As long as I have throne up and keep them stoned (toughness 8) lol, they should be next to unkillable. I am taking this block on my tournament...
Going to be using 20 TG with my Slaan in a tournament next week, but I am nervous about having my Slaan in close combat as I use my TG to rip the...
Ok so I am making smaller skirmisher trays ;-) I am nervous about bring the unit with my Slaan into base contact with well much of anything for...
I am still fairly new, but I am nervous taking the block of TG into close combat, even though they are so strong, I have used them to protect the...
Re: LF input 1600 points Updated: A choice between these two: Slaan 275 2 Disc (Focus Rum+Mast) Cupd Hnds, Life, 370 20 Temple Guard F/C...
Facing possibly Skaven Chaos Dwarves Empire High or Dark elves. 1600 Points Slaan 275 2 Disc (Foc+Foc [+1 PD Lmastr]) Cupd Hnds, Life, DS scroll...
I have been cycling as new player to WHFB. I have grown to love the Lizardmen. The models rock the playstyle can adapt and it is an all around fun...
I took the cover off it should just fall out but it is soft metal and sometimes they can "stick" there.
So. I have a Paasche airbrush i don't use on my minis. I got it for WWII armor and the like. However... I have seen some people using airbrushes...
Sounds good. But they are so cool looking lol.
How come 10 Tg is no good? I was going to keep them back with the slaan... i had planned for the sallies to 2x1 just did not communicate that...