Ooops. Thats what I get for not checking my army book before posting. :jawdrop:
While your breakdown on the number of attacks is true and all, you are dismissing the increased movement of the cavalry over the foot slogging...
Shipping alone was $7 for in the Continental US so really the dice worked out to $27.00 in total; or $0.75 each. The price is whole dependent on...
I'm not a huge fan of the mixed units, but if I wanted to use them I would probably go for the single kroxigor and small number of skinks...
I'm often drawn to the mirror shield for my Saurus Vets. Stick him in a unit and bounce nasty magic missiles back at the attacker. Pity its not 25...
Personally I prefer the sallies for the -3 save mod, the flaming attacks and the panic checks from one casualty. Flaming nixes anything that...
Its not quite thread necromancy since it isn't that old, but I felt it worth while. As I mentioned earlier I was ordering custom dice since I...
One possible modification to give yourself some addition options would be to drop the Kroxigors in favor of 2 Salamanders or 2 Razordons. Sallies...
As do I. I am of a mind that any other interpretation is grasping at straws for an extra advantage that is not there. Don't get me wrong, I wish...
Fair enough. I guess I personally like to play the odds so it always seems like a viable option in my mind, but I can completely respect others...
Blargh. My heads hurts today so I haven't run the math to see what I would exactly change, but here are my critiques/opinions: No real...
I've always loved them, but I am also a great fan of cavalry in general. Now if only GW would redo the rather silly looking Cold Ones. I have a...
My recommendations would be (in no particular order): Skink Priest (on or off an EOTG), a Stegadon (EOTG or otherwise), and Terradons. In addition...
This is my first time ordering custom dice. I do know that the price is dependent on quantity. Here is Chessex's webpage for custom dice orders:...
Nah, I'm doing one better and having some custom dice made from Chessex. I'm still sorting out the fiddly details like color and such, but here is...
You know, I didn't know they made magnetic paint. I'll be. Although looking at a description of it on RustOleums site it sounds more like the...
The diadem specifically indicates that the wizard may save two of his own unused power dice. I read that to mean it has to be the dice he...
I recommend tin instead of steel. Tin is softer and easier to work with. It sill retains the sharp edge however and I have managed to stab myself...
I tolerate most all music, but my personal tastes are in the rock and metal areas. My favorite bands are Sabaton and Distrurbed. I dislike...
Moscow, Idaho aka the Idaho Palouse. Famous for its rolling hills that do look nice in the Spring and Summer, but look like complete rubbish in...