Against one Krox average suffer 2 wounds. Attacking skinks gives a lot better combat res. To kill a Krox will require at least 8 attacks.
And remember second rank models can have max of 3 attacks so best to roll them separately or different colour dice
Opponents get to decide to hit Krox or skinks. Oone Krox isn't worth the effort so will hit skinks. Cavalry will split high STR against Krox,...
Usual cowboy is Coldone, light armour, charmed shield, dawnstone, sword of might. (1+reroll save, str6) Or Coldone, light armour, great...
Don't think skink chief is needed. Cube of darkness of beasts priest. ( I'd be tempted to go heavens aswell more chance of comit) I know it...
Hi everyone. Need an extra 100pts for a tourny. Some comp. No special characters. No unit over 450. Only 5 dice casting. 3 scarVets Slann:...
Only take skirmishers of 10 easier for manuvering less points to give away. Big block saurus works better. Definatly get another salamander the...
Slann usual 4 disciplines cupped hands bsb Choice of ethereal or temple guard. Light/life/shadow Core 2-3 blocks saurus, no champs waste...
Problem with scar'ones is they can be picked out by warmachines I'd drop them to foot troops. Or at least stick charmed shield on one. Usual...
Yes but unless getting good magic phase only going to get one of the really good spells off. Obviously same problem with any type of double...
wouldn't bother with the banner on temple guard, use skinks right and they will already be needing 6+ to hit. temple guard biggest prob is armour...
See what you guys n girls can do with this Slann. Shadow. Loremaster. +1 pd. ethereal. Lose 6's. 2+ ward ranged. Cupped hands. Scar vet. Great...
Saurus. Salamanders. Characters with magic weapons. Lore light or shadow slann with cupped hands.
Would drop slink chief. Skinks are only there for rank bonus so go deep not wide. How many temple guard not in your list
Engine of the gods is good but can end up cannon bate. Assuming your going for phas on him combined with 5+ ward.
You could do with at least one salamander.
Razordons don't get much play these days. Would go more sallies. In my preference go blowpipe on javelin units drop a unit of camo for extra Krox...
Consensus is in temple guard take life. On own light, or daring shadow. Loremaster is a given. If your always playing VC then the 6's not counting...
personally i'd drop one of the stegs and increase the salamanders. potentially upgrade the other to ancient, imo blowpipes are better than bolt...
Slann Focus of mystery lore master The focused rumination free power dice per...