God daaaamn, those are works of art
Very good reading again. But again, a dreadful lack of lizards :(
Got this message in the discord. It looks like sign-up verification emails are broken. [ATTACH] Not sure if this has anything to do with the post...
Incredibly good lighting effects! Just a pitty the heavy bolter is upside down.
Welcoome bok
Whoa! Thats amazing!
[ATTACH] Ka'rah scrolled through Chittr, killing time before patrol duty. She clicked through a link that took her to a very strange looking...
I've got some similar sounding or partial words from the lizardmen dictionary. It could lend some ideas Gor Rend/Slash/Strike Tlax City/Temple...
I got a hold of some Nihilakh Oxide to add some corrosion and weathering to some of the metal parts of my vehicles. I'm not entirely convinced...
The sickle would be handy. I've had the idea of creating one as a power weapon. It would be a great shout out to the OG saurus if I could use the...
Does anyone, per chance, have access to 3D model files of the old style Saurus? Like the one in my profile pic? Or, at the very least, the heads....
Thats really cool!
Fantastic reviews! They were even thrilling little tales in and of themselves
Listen, the plan is to have 30 of them in total. Thats the max I can play under the current 40k rules.
Mistakes were made. I meant 10
Well I've started on my 2nd set of 10 Saurus cavelry. I can never decide if I want to run them as Roughriders or Deathriders. The claws rule for...
I should post my collection too. Also contains the Lustria WHFRP setting and the Seraphon books! Though in all honesty, it was to get access to...
I'm not sure about the skink's ability to maintain civilization independent from the Slann but its hinted at in various places that the saurus...
I guess GW just didn't really develop it.
Very nice construction!