Hey guys my plan for speed painting my lizardmen skin and scales so far is: 1. Prime with Army Painter Crystal Blue. 2. Basecoat the skin with...
Updated list! 2k Lizardmen Slann (Light) BSB c Mystery, Rumination, Cogitation, Banner of Discipline & Cupped Hands 19 Temple Guard c SB,...
Thanks for the reply! What does OOP mean? I've not converted the salamanders yet, I'm just hoping for the best at this point! I see what you...
Does no comments mean no criticism!?
Highlander... There can be only one!
Hello! I've already posted my first army list in the army list section but I thought I should put an introduction in as well. I'm returning to...
Hello! After finishing a 3000 points Warriors of Chaos army last year I decided to do some none WH fantasy projects, specifically Warmachine,...