Dark Elf's magic items and Hydra are the most nasties, I think. Last time I played a game with them, I was able to kill the Lord with ring by...
Scar-Vets in units will be hard to implement, because I've seen 3 chariots smash into an empire spearmen before, killing 15 guys in one turn....
I don't think 2 Kroxs in skink units are icing on the cake. 6 S 6 attacks can wipe out 3-4 models, killing almost all models in the opponent's...
I was looking around people's army list posted on the internet; however, no one seems to be using Skink Chief on Stegadon put in ranked skinks...
Hmm... redirect sounds nice, but not sure if it will work with Chariots, since their base is small and they can get free turns on charge. Good...
How about using Tetto'eko? Comet becomes irresistible force if you roll any double (other than miscast). I think Comet is better than Shadow...
I will have a game with beastmen army with lots of chariots (they are core at 85 pts). Anyone have an idea of countering 5-6 chariots? I was...